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Author: Gosia Bryja

The Siege on Wolves: When Unchallenged Science Sanctions Cruelty

As a society, we are moving away from the dominance paradigm and increasingly embracing the mutualism paradigm. Social values are not static, and what was once acceptable is no longer. Therefore, the death and suffering of sentient creatures necessitate redefining what the best science really means and complementing it with social and ethical values predominating in the twentieth century.

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From Landscapes of Fear to Landscapes of Co-existence

In their true meaning, words like co-existence and co-habitation mean that humans and wild animals co-shape spaces. A mutuality of effort takes place. An effort is a crucial word, as well as openness of mind. This is the only path worth taking. It’s high time for a different way of thinking to prevail, one which embraces the mystery of nature and the ongoing evolution of dynamic social-ecological systems.

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